In our third live video presentation, an experienced legal support worker explains what grand juries are, how they work, and how to resist them, and answers questions. You can also view this video via facebook.com/CrimethIncDotCom.
This follows up our earlier presentations, An Overview of the J20 Prosecution and The RNC 8, Standing Rock, and J20 Cases. To learn more about grand jury resistance, listen to episode 59 of the Ex-Worker podcast, in which several grand jury resisters recount their experience employing a variety of tactics.
Over the course of 2017, anarchists and radicals have actively resisted grand juries from Standing Rock to North Carolina. It’s vital to learn what a grand jury is and what tools of resistance our communities have against them. This presentation is intended to demystify a legal process that relies on secrecy, paranoia, and suspicion as a means to tear apart communities and resistance movements. One of our strongest weapons against this particular tactic of state repression is knowledge—alongside bold acts of solidarity!